Government Contracts & Administrative Law

Our clients include some of the companies which had a monumental role in the reconstruction of Lebanon’s infrastructure after the civil war. We also represented clients in the development of “mega-projects”. As a result, we have extensive experience advising clients in the preparation of bids, the negotiation of contracts and the compliance with the terms of the contracts.

Furthermore, we represent our clients in claims related to construction and infrastructure agreements.

We also built and maintained relationships with local and government authorities and have an understanding of the way they function; as a result, we are highly efficient in the performance of our duties before them.

Sample of our experience:

  • Represented a Lebanese contracting company in a number of the most substantial litigations brought against the Lebanese State as a result of its breach of infrastructure construction agreements regulated by FIDIC’s (Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs Conseils - International Federation of Consulting Engineers) Conditions of Contract for Construction and Administrative law;

  • Advised Saudi investors in relation to their dispute with the Republic of Egypt resulting from the expropriation of lands included in their touristic resort in Egypt, and the withdrawal of building permits. Also advised them in relation to the presentation of their claims against the Republic of Egypt before the ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes);

  • Represented numerous hotels and beach resorts in their claims against the Lebanese government resulting from the excessive increase of dues relating to their privilege to use the maritime public domain. The claims resulted in the annulment of the governmental decree that increased said dues;

  • Represented and advised construction companies in infrastructure project bids (e.g. telecommunication, sewage, urban planning), as well as in the negotiation of such contracts;

  • Represented a variety of companies in litigations brought against the Lebanese State as a result of breach of government contracts (e.g. telecommunication, sewage, urban planning);

  • Advised clients in relation to expropriations of land and the execution of the expropriation’s purpose. Also represented them in litigations relating hereto;

  • Represented clients in disputes with local and government authorities in litigations brought for abuse of power and usurpation of power.